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Read the following Instruction carefully :-
This test comprises of multiple-choice questions.
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Marking Scheme :-
1 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
There will be 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer.
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Question No. 1-0.25+1 Marks
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
As a boy, I was always exploring lonely places neglected gardens and orchards, unoccupied houses, patches of scrub or wasteland, the fields outside the town, the fringes of the forest.
On one of my rambles (1)_____ the bungalow, I pushed my way through a thicket of lantana bushes and stumbled over a thick stone slab, twisting my ankle slightly as I fell. For some time, I sat on the grass massaging my foot. When the pain eased, I looked (2)______at the stone slab and was surprised to find that it was a gravestone. It was almost entirely covered by ivy; obviously no one had been near it for years. I tugged at the i and some of it came away in my hands. There was some (3)_____lettering on the grave half-obscured by grass and moss. I could make out a name Rose but little more. I sat there for some time, (4)_______over my discovery. I was wondering why 'Rose' should have been buried at so lonely a spot when there was a (5)_______not far away.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
As a boy, I was always exploring lonely places neglected gardens and orchards, unoccupied houses, patches of scrub or wasteland, the fields outside the town, the fringes of the forest. On one of my rambles (1)______ the bungalow, I pushed my way through a thicket of lantana bushes and stumbled over a thick stone slab, twisting my ankle slightly as I fell. For some time, I sat on the grass massaging my foot. When the pain eased, I looked more (2)______at the stone slab and was surprised to find that it was a gravestone. It was almost entirely covered by i ivy; obviously no one had been near it for and some of it came away in my hands. There was some (3)_______half-obscured by grass and moss. I could make out a name Rose there for some time, (4)______years. I tugged at the ivy year lettering on the grave, but little more. I sat over my discovery I was wondering why 'Rose' should have been buried at so lonely a spot when there was a (5)_______not far away.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the wing select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank, passage carefully and As a boy, I was always exploring lonely places-neglected gardens and orchards, unoccupied houses, patches of scrub or wasteland, the fields outside the town, the fringes of the forest. On one of my rambles (1) the bungalow, I pushed my way through a thicket of lantana bushes and stumbled over a thick stone slab, twisting my ankle slightly as I feil. For some time, I sat on the grass massaging my foot. When the pain eased, I looked more (2) at the stone slab and was surprised to find that it was a gravestone. It was almost entirely covered by ivy; obviously no one had been near it for years. I tugged at the ivy and some of it came away in my hands. There was some (3) lettering on the grave, half-obscured by grass and moss. I could make out a name Rose but little more. I sat there for some time, (4) over my discovery. I was wondering why 'Rose' should have been buried at so lonely a spot when there was a (5)_____not far away.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
As a boy, I was always exploring lonely places-neglected gardens and orchards, unoccupied houses, patches of scrub or wasteland, the fields outside the town, the fringes of the forest. On one of my rambles (1)______ the bungalow, I pushed my way through a thicket of lantana bushes and stumbled over a thick stone slab, twisting my ankle slightly as I fell. For some time, I sat on the grass massaging my foot. When the pain eased, I looked more (2)_______ at the stone slab and was surprised to find that it was a gravestone. It was almost entirely covered by ivy; obviously no one had been near it for years. I tugged at the ivy and some of it came away in my hands. There was some (3)________ lettering on the grave, half-obscured by grass and moss. I could make out a name-Rose-but little more. I sat there for some time, (4)________over my discovery. I was wondering why 'Rose' should have been buried at so lonely a spot when there was a (5)______not far away.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.
The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No error' as your answer.
Comprehension: In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank. Once, there was a boy who became bored when he watched over the village sheep (1)_______π on the hillside. To entertain himself, he sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" When the villagers heard the cry, they came (2)______ the hill to drive the wolf away. But, when they arrived, they saw no wolf. The boy was amused when seeing their angry faces. "Don't scream wolf, boy," warned the villagers, "when there is no wolf!" They angrily went back down the hill. Later, the shepherd boy cried out once again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" When the villagers came, they saw there was no wolf, they said strictly, "Save your (3)______ cry for when there is really a wolf! Don't cry 'wolf when there is no wolf!" Later, the boy saw a real wolf sneaking around his flock. Alarmed, he jumped on his feet and cried out as loud as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was (4)______ them again, and so they didn't come to help. At sunset, the villagers went looking for the boy who hadn't returned with their sheep. When they went up the hill, they found him (5)______ as all the sheep were dead.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.