General Instructions :-

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  • Total duration of examination is X minutes.
  • Total number of questions are 25, which contains 25 questions of English.
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      1. Not Visited questions in White background colour.
      2. Answered questions in green colour.
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      4. Marked for review questions in purple colour
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Answering a Question :-

  • Procedure for answering multiple-choice type questions:
    1. To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options.
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Navigating through sections :-

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Read the following Instruction carefully :-

  • This test comprises of multiple-choice questions.
  • Each question will have only one of the available options as the correct answer.
  • You are advised not to close the browser window before submitting the test.
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Marking Scheme :-

  • 1 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
  • There will be 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer.
  • No marks will be deducted for un-attempted questions

Question No. 1-0.25 +1 Marks

Directions: Read the given passage carefully to answer the following questions. Each question will have five alternatives as its answer. Choose the correct option as your answer.

 Dolphins, often celebrated in folklore and admired for their intelligence, agility, and friendly demeanor, are indeed one of the sea's most fascinating inhabitants. These mammals, belonging ___ the family Delphinidae, navigate the vast expanses of the ocean with a grace and efficiency that has captivated human imagination for centuries. With over 40 species of dolphins discovered to date, they are a testament to the adaptability and diversity of marine life.

One of the most remarkable aspects of dolphins is their sophisticated echolocation ability, which they use to hunt for food and navigate through murky waters. This biological sonar enables dolphins to emit sound waves that bounce off objects, allowing them to "see" their surroundings through sound. This skill is not just a testament to their intelligence but also a critical adaptation for survival in the diverse and sometimes challenging environments they inhabit.

 Dolphins are also known for their complex social structures. They live in pods, which can vary in size from a few individuals to over a thousand, depending on the species and environment. These social units are crucial for their survival, aiding in hunting, raising young, and protecting each other from predators. The intricate social behaviors observed in dolphins, including cooperation, altruism, and even grieving, reflect a level of social intelligence that is rare in the animal kingdom.

The relationship between dolphins and the sea is symbiotic and essential. The sea provides a habitat rich in resources, enabling dolphins to thrive. In return, dolphins play a significant role in the marine ecosystem. As apex predators, they help maintain the balance of marine life by controlling fish populations, which can contribute to the health of coral reefs and other marine habitats. Furthermore, dolphins are indicators of ocean health, with their presence or absence often signaling shifts in environmental conditions.

 Despite their significance, dolphins face numerous threats from human activities, including pollution, climate change, and entanglement in fishing gear. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure that dolphins continue to flourish in the oceans. Protected marine areas, sustainable fishing practices, and ongoing research and education are critical components of these efforts.

 In conclusion, dolphins are not just captivating creatures of the sea; they are pivotal to the marine ecosystem's health and diversity. Their intelligence, social complexity, and symbiotic relationship with the ocean make them a subject of endless fascination and an important focus for conservation. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of these extraordinary animals, it is imperative that we also take steps to protect them and the vibrant habitat they call home.

What role do dolphins play in maintaining the balance of marine life, according to the passage?

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